The Front Desk

Hello and Welcome to The Sailor Moon Retreat Center!

Bienvenue a la retraite de Sailormoon!

On a cree ce site en esperant de contribuer a la communaute Web de Sailormoon. Comme nous avons de la chance d'avoir l'access aux episodes japonais sous-titrees qui n'etaient pas vues en amerique du nord, les mangas japonais, et les livres d'art en japonais, on a decide de partager nos cadeaux avec vous, les autres fans de Sailormoon. Alors, voila. Depuis, ce site a continue d'agrandir, mais lentement.

Chibi-Usa and Hotaru peeking out of a bush
Welcome to the Sailor Moon Retreat Center!
We created this page in order to contribute to Sailor Moon web community. Being fortunate enough to have access to all the fansubbed japanese episodes not released in America, and to all the Japanese manga, and also many of the artbooks, we thought, why not offer some of our gifts to others out there who love Sailor Moon, too? So there you go. This site has been growing ever since, albeit slowly

Okay okay. I know I'm being really slow about updating anything. I am deeply sorry. But now exams are over, and summer is here. I promise to finish everything I left incomplete. And I promise to retrieve all the library stuff which mysteriously disappeared from our database.

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